CreateNewDocument Method

Creates a new document linked to the specified hyperlink.

expression.CreateNewDocument(Filename, EditNow, Overwrite)

expression    An expression that returns a Hyperlink object.

Filename    Required String. The file name of the specified document.

EditNow    Required Boolean. True to have the specified document open immediately in its associated editing environment.. The default value is True.

Overwrite    Required Boolean. True to overwrite any existing file of the same name in the same folder. False if any existing file of the same name is preserved and the Filename argument specifies a new file name. The default value is False.


This example creates a new document based on the new hyperlink in the first worksheet and then loads the document into Microsoft Excel for editing. The document is called “Report.xls,” and it overwrites any file of the same name in the \\Server1\Annual folder.

With Worksheets(1)
    Set objHyper = _
        .Hyperlinks.Add(Anchor:=.Range("A10"), _
    objHyper.CreateNewDocument _
        FileName:="\\Server1\Annual\Report.xls", _
        EditNow:=True, Overwrite:=True
End With